March Toward Suffrage – Summer 2019

This program included an exhibition and presentation in celebration of the United States 100th anniversary of the nationwide women’s suffrage movement on August 18, 2020. On August 18, 1920, the right for women to vote was made legal with the passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution.

The exhibition included a brief history of the women’s suffrage movement, biographies and photographs of prominent suffragists, and a display of artwork that inspired and derided the movement. The accompanying window display includes women’s “business” attire from the early 20th century, including typically worded sashes, signs, and posters of the day. The display is complemented by an antique tea set and table, the “power lunch” for progressive women of the time.

Note. The presentation was on August 24, 2019 The HSOG presentation celebrated the lives and contributions of five women who played a vital part in the movement. Local interpreters have brought to life the passionate words and determination of Susan B. Anthony, Victoria Woodhall, Sojouner Truth, Sarah Downs, and Alice Paul. Each of these women followed a pathway unique to their own lives, yet in the end, they achieved their common goal of civic equality.


Collections II:


Sun, Sand, and Modesty – Summer 2019