Why donate to the HSOG?

Behind the scenes, online, and in the community, the HSOG continues to serve you. You are ensuring that the HSOG will continue to educate, preserve, celebrate, and serve.

As the present looks uncertain, we look to our supporters to ensure that the HSOG is here for generations to come. If you can, please consider making a special donation during this critical time. Every donation counts, thank you!

There are many ways to give to the HSOG—whether as an individual, a company, or as a foundation—with benefits and privileges available in recognition of your generosity. We thank our donors for their loyalty and enthusiasm, and look forward to working with new friends as we build for a future of even more Ocean Grove history and experiences.

The HSOG is supported by gifts, grants, donations, memberships, tours, and events. State and Federal funding is limited. Your support helps us share the enriching power of history through fun and intriguing tours, education and social impact events, and the cultivation of new ideas and audiences. Through our Museum, and Centennial Cottage and Garden, around Ocean Grove, online, and across the area, the HSOG connects with more than 10,000 people each year.

We could not do this without you. Please make a gift today. Your fully tax-deductible gift is greatly appreciated. Through the HSOG, your gift ultimately makes a difference in the lives of many people. We are grateful for your continued support.

The Historical Society of Ocean Grove is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Donation Types & Information

  • Over the last year and a half, as with other nonprofit organizations, we faced challenges we never thought we would be facing. The challenges we faced and continue facing have had a major financial impact on the operating ability of the Historical Society of Ocean Grove.

  • Honor someone special, recognize a personal milestone, pay tribute, or celebrate the life of a loved one with a Commemorative Brick that borders our butterfly flower bed in Centennial Cottage Garden. The personalized engraved bricks are $125.00

  • Celebrate a birthday, an anniversary, or a special occasion; or honor a loved one with a special gift to the HSOG. Honorary and memorial gifts express your regard and assist the HSOG in fulfilling its mission. Acknowledgments are sent to your honoree and to you, and are listed in the HSOG’s Annual Fund Appeal.

    Questions? Please send us an email at Info@HistoricalSocietyOfOceanGrove.org.

  • Planned Giving

    For generations, the HSOG has preserved and celebrated Ocean Grove’s history. With some planning, you can help us continue to bring the transformative power of history to visitors for decades to come. Including us in your overall estate or financial plans not only helps advance the HSOG’s mission, but also provides you with tax benefits in return.

    Chart your path here by learning about the different gift options available to you. We will work with your attorney and you to find a charitable plan that provides for your family and supports the HSOG at the same time.

  • Estate gifts help build and strengthen the HSOG, protecting our community’s treasures for future generations.

    Outright Gift – Some prefer to make a current donation to the HSOG. Typically, gifts of cash or appreciated assets are most appropriate.

    Charitable Bequest – By naming the HSOG in your will or living trust, you create a gift today that will inspire future generations when your estate is settled.

    Retirement Plan – You can name the HSOG as a beneficiary of your IRA or company retirement plan. To include the HSOG, simply request a “beneficiary change” form from your IRA custodian or HR department, complete the form, and then return it according to the instructions provided. At age 70½, if you transfer your Required Minimum Distribution (or a portion) directly to the HSOG, you don’t have to recognize the distribution as income (up to $100,000).

    Life Insurance – You can name the HSOG as the beneficiary of a new or existing life insurance policy. To include the HSOG, simply request a “beneficiary change” form from your life insurance company, complete the form, and return it according to the instructions provided.

    Charitable Remainder Trust – In the right situations, a charitable remainder trust may provide powerful financial, tax, and estate planning benefits. You donate assets into a trust for the eventual benefit of the HSOG. In the interim, the trust pays income to you and/or your designated income beneficiaries.

    Charitable Lead Trust – A charitable lead trust can provide support for the HSOG while transferring assets to your heirs in the future.

    Retained Life Estate – You can donate a residence to the HSOG and still retain the right to live there for the rest of your life. Questions? Please send us an email at Info@HistoricalSocietyOfOceanGrove.org. All inquiries are held in confidence. There is never an obligation to complete any gift.

    Donor Advised Fund – A DAF (donor advised fund) is a charitable giving program that allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to support your favorite causes. If you have a donor advised fund, DAF Direct enables you to recommend grants to the HSOG directly from your DAF (as long as your DAF’s sponsoring organization is participating).

    The HSOG’s EIN (Federal Employer Tax Identification Number) is 23-7098995.

  • Take your place in history with a gift that lasts beyond your lifetime.

    Because of generous supporters like you, the HSOG has grown from a collection contained in one room of an historic house to over 10,000 artifacts, while serving people in and beyond Ocean Grove, the United States, and internationally through a multitude of exhibitions, tours, events, workshops, lectures, and research services.

    Society 1869 honors and recognizes those who include the HSOG in their estate plans. These gifts will help preserve the HSOG’s historical treasures for future generations. A well-planned gift will support us in the future, while helping you and your family achieve your financial goals, such as lowering your tax liability.

    Society 1869 members who wish to be recognized are invited to special events and behind-the-scenes tours, and are recognized in our Annual Fund Appeal. At specific gift amounts, a planned gift can establish a fund or an endowment, which we would be honored to name for you or a loved one.

    For further information about making a legacy gift, please contact us at Info@HistoricalSocietyOfOceanGrove.org. The HSOG’s EIN (Federal Employer Tax Identification Number) is 23-7098995.

  • It is always appropriate and advisable to consult with professional advisors when considering an estate gift. The following information can help your advisor facilitate your desired estate gift:

    Legal Name: Historical Society of Ocean Grove NJ Inc.

    Purpose: To inspire generations to find wonder and meaning in our past and to engage in creating a better Historical Society of Ocean Grove.

    EIN (Federal Employer Tax Identification Number): 23-7098995


    Historical Society of Ocean Grove

    50 Pitman Avenue

    Ocean Grove, NJ 07756

    Administration: 732-774-1869



  • The HSOG gratefully accepts gifts of publicly traded securities. In general, donating securities in appreciated positions will help maximize an individual’s tax benefit, as the associated charitable income tax deduction is typically based on the full fair market value of the security. No capital gains tax would be payable by the donor or by the HSOG.

    For more information about gifts of securities, or to request the HSOG’s brokerage information, please contact the HSOG by email at info@historicalsocietyofoceangrove.org.

  • Sample language for a specific bequest to the HSOG through a will or living trust:

    “I give to the Historical Society of Ocean Grove NJ Inc., 50 Pitman Avenue, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756, a New Jersey nonprofit corporation, the sum of $_______ [or ______% of my estate; or the property described herein], for its general purposes.”

    Sample language for a residuary bequest to the HSOG is:

    “I give to the Historical Society of Ocean Grove NJ Inc., 50 Pitman Avenue, Ocean Grove, NJ 07756, a New Jersey nonprofit corporation, all [or ____%] of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, for its general purposes.”

  • A person wishing to support the HSOG through a retirement plan, IRA, or life insurance policy, should request a Beneficiary Change Form from his/her company or plan administrator.

    Beneficiary Change forms are typically available online. Please indicate the desired gift amount or percentage and return/submit the completed form.

  • The HSOG also encourages estate gifts through other arrangements, including Charitable Remainder and Charitable Lead Trusts. However, the HSOG prefers not to serve as Trustee for these gifts.

  • Donors who make estate or outright gifts may designate their gift for a specific purpose. Such gifts can be designated to meet current need or to support an existing endowed fund for the specified purpose. Please contact the HSOG for more information.

    In addition, a donor who wishes to contribute $25,000 or more may establish a Named Endowment Fund and may specify the program or activity that will utilize these funds (may be subject to Executive Board approval). Typically, these funds are named in honor of the donor, his or her family, or another individual. Please contact the HSOG by email at info@historicalsocietyofoceangrove.org.

  • The HSOG created Society 1869 to honor and recognize those who remember the HSOG with an estate gift. This provides us with an opportunity to say thank you during a person’s life.

    The HSOG also recognizes that some donors prefer to remain anonymous regarding an estate gift. We honor and respect these wishes. In addition, we would appreciate the opportunity to express our gratitude and appreciation for an estate gift whenever possible.

    In some cases, a person may allow their advisor to share the donor’s name(s) with the HSOG. In others, an advisor can play a helpful role in forwarding a thank you letter to the donor(s), while still preserving their anonymity. Please share any guidance. The HSOG places great importance on thanking people for their confidence and generosity, while respecting their wishes in every instance.